Sep '20
New Day
Sep '20
Written by: Kendra Woody
What is it about the early morning and the freshness of a new day that is so remarkable? Is it the settling of the dew droplets that glisten and dance in the gentle breeze? Is it the smell of the earth awakening in all its splendor? Is it the artistry in the sky as the sun starts to make its way over the horizon? It could be all those things and more.
What about God’s love and mercy? Could it have something to do with that, too?
They are new every single day! That’s worth repeating… They are new every single day!
In essence, every day you are blessed with a “redo.” A new day to share love with someone you haven’t in a while. A new day to start that Bible reading that you have been putting off. A new day to text or call someone that is close to your heart. A new day to offer that apology that you seem to have trouble getting out. Or simply, a new day to just be you!
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23) The prophet Jeremiah wrote Lamentations in a time of grief and national mourning, after the once great city of Jerusalem fell to Babylon. The book describes great anguish—and great hope—in poetic form.
Taking a closer look at Lamentations, we notice a couple of themes. One is “God’s Love” or “Steadfast love” meaning: dutifully firm and unwavering, even abiding in judgment or in times of trouble.” The Hebrew word translated “great love” is used about 250 times in the Old Testament; It refers to love, of course, but it also encompasses elements of grace, mercy, goodness, forgiveness, compassion, and faithfulness. It is God’s “great love” for His people that spared them from being wiped out by Babylon. As we know from history, God later restored His people to their land and blessed them again.
A second theme is God’s unfailing “compassion or mercy.” This mercy refers to His pity, compassion, and kindness towards His children. Mercy in the Bible is God’s “withholding of a just punishment.” In the New Testament Greek, the word is ELEEMON meaning “to have pity on”, “to show compassion,” or to “be merciful.” (Matthew 5:7)
We also read about mercy in the Old Testament. Mercy is displayed in Exodus 33:19 as compassion that is tenderly and freely given like a mother or father to a child. The LORD replied, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will call out My name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” (Exodus 33:19)
Jeremiah saw something. He saw hope! Even with all the sin and sorrow surrounding him. He landed his eyes on hope. Trusting in God’s faithfulness day by day makes us confident in His great promises for the future. All because of what the Lord had promised. “The faithful love of the Lord never ends… Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.” (Lamentations 3:22)
The early morning could be a symbol of light breaking through the darkness as we take in the sights and sounds of the new day. We breathe in the grace and mercies that God bestows upon us. Although we do not know what’s over the horizon, we do know His faithfulness is sure, just like the colors of the new morning sky. We know His compassion will cast a gentle breeze across our face during uncertainty. We know we are His children and His love for us surpasses all our understanding. For He is our New Day! Everyday!
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About Kendra:
“I’m a Michigan girl born and raised, but a Californian by heart. I love being creative and express it through photography, writing, baking, and crafting (to name just a few). I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to learn how to become more and more effective as a mom, stepmom, Nana, and pastor’s wife.. Sharing the beauty I discover, the God I know, and the life I have chosen to embrace with God brings me great joy and fulfillment. The path I walk is my own (and God’s), but maybe you will find something here to inspire your own journey.”
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What a great God we serve! There’s nothing like the feeling of a brand new day – a blank canvas on which to partner with God and create beauty! I love your post!
Beautiful post Kendra! His mercies never fail & great is His faithfulness!
Kendra, I love how you help us study word meanings. It brings the Bible alive. And why not? There’s hope! Have a beautiful day.