
It’s hard to imagine with the billions of people in this world, that we’re all very different from one another. Not one of us are the same. How amazing is that? Our Lord is unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.” When I think about God creating us specifically to share in all of His glory, how blessed are we? Only He knows each and every heart, He knows each and everyone of us inside out. If we ever think God isn’t paying attention, or He can’t understand us, we’re wrong. He knows what’s Read more…



In my life, prayer is so essential. Without my time with God in the morning, I feel lost for the rest of the day. I look at each day as a new opportunity to learn something new. I ask God to surround the people I love. Whatever His plan is for them, I ask Him to hold them close and take care of them as only He can do. I ask Him to lead me and to give me the strength I need to do what honors Him. Through every aspect of my day, whether at home or at work or somewhere in the middle, I need Him. Prayer helps me to stay calm, it helps Read more…


How is God using You?

Do you ever wonder about your stronghold? Your place of security. What are you good at doing? What has God created you to do in this life? What kind of talents and strengths has He given you. Have you ever really thought about it? Or have you just went along with the crowd? Is there a purpose for me? Is there a purpose for you? Of course there is. God purposely created each and every one of us. His plan was in action long before we came into this world. He designed each of us with a specific purpose. A purpose to honor Read more…


Church is Important

Church is very important in my life. I am involved with a family of believers that know the importance of staying connected with Christ and with people. We form strong bonds as we become closer and closer to Jesus Christ, the one true King. It becomes so easy to push church aside and make excuses. We can let other things get in the way of making a true commitment to be involved in church. Things such as, “sporting events, “I’m too tired, “I had a long week, or, “it’s my only day for fun.” Christ provides everything for us. Read more…


Gods Love for Me

How do I know Jesus loves me? I can tell you. He loves me because He created me. He created me for His purpose long before I came into this world. He had each moment of my life planned out. He knew the things that would happen to me, He knew all the struggles I would face and conquer. He knows every imperfection. He knows what’s ahead of me. Jeremiah 1:5 ESV- “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” I’m still very Read more…


He Knows what He’s Doing

Sometimes we can begin to question ourselves in situations where we think we should have said something, but didn’t. I didn’t say something, and maybe I should have. Was it a missed opportunity. God wanted to use me in this situation, and I blew it. How can I make it right? What can I do? I don’t want to disappoint God. Slow down!!! God gives us what we need when we need it. God uses us for His work, for His purposes. It’s not about bringing glory to ourselves, it’s all about bringing glory to Him. He designed me, He knows me, He knows my weaknesses, He knows my strengths. When I don’t think I have what it takes, He Read more…


Inspirational Women

I am very blessed to be surrounded by so many inspirational women. My mom has always inspired me with her amazing strength. So many times I never realized it, I took it for granted, but she was my rock when I was growing up. She continues to this day to exhibit focus and direction for me. My sister, Kathy, without even knowing it, inspires me to find strength in myself. She shows me that I am stronger than I realize. When I can’t figure things out, she’s always there to help me out, though I can be frustrating at times, she helps me. Kristina, my Read more…


He is our Hope

Challenges are part of life. Things get put in our paths everyday that can cause us to stumble and slow down. We can start to wonder why things aren’t happening as quickly as we think they should. Life can really throw us some curve balls. Starting to question God and asking Him where He is at in our lives is something we can find ourselves doing. We want the answer now. God, why am I going through this? Why can’t You fix this now? I don’t understand, where are You? It’s hard for us to wrap our human brains around God’s timing. We live in a world where we want immediate results. We don’t have time to wait, we have things to do. Getting so wrapped up in our own issues and struggles and trying to keep up with everything is something that’s taken over our lives. When things happen that slow us down, we can forget that God has a plan, He is in control, He is our hope. He’s promised to take care of us. We very often forget that we live in a fallen world and things are far from perfect. What we have to remember is that Jesus paid our debt. Our eternity is with Him. When our faith and our trust are in Him, He takes care of us. We have a place in heaven free from the challenges of this sinful world. When things get rough and we find ourselves in quicksand, we have to remember our precious Savior, and know that He’s going to take care of us.
John 16:33 ESV- I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 10:10 ESV- The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.
It’s hard for us to relax while we’re going through a rough time. We get stressed, we get anxious, we wear ourselves down with frustration. God understands. He doesn’t want the weight of the world to be on our shoulders. He willingly shoulders our burdens and walks through fire for us. We have to be patient. We have to trust God. We have to put our hope in His promises and let go of the frustrations of this world. He is our hope!!! Romans 8:39 NLT- No power in the sky above or the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Have a blessed day!!!


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About Rita:
Being a Christ follower throughout my life has been quite the journey.  He’s taken me through deep waters and trials that have tested me over the years.  I have fallen so many times, and He’s always been there to lift me back up on my feet.  Through a series of broken relationships, I finally figured out what was important to me, putting God first and letting Him lead me.  I love writing and learning, and growing with God.  I have a beautiful, adult daughter that I love spending time with whenever I can.  My hope is to be a tool for God to use to lead others to Him.


Living a Life for God

I’m called to live a life for God. I’m called to live my life according to His will. I’m called to love and show kindness to people even when I don’t understand. This doesn’t mean that I accept or approve of unhealthy behaviors. Jesus called us to love and guide others and to set a Christian example for how to live a healthy lifestyle. It seems like everything around us is becoming acceptable, when it’s not. It’s so important for Christians to stand firm and not back down. We seem to live in a society that makes up rules to satisfy our Read more…



Wow, I can often reflect back on so many times when I felt rejected by others. I think maybe we all can. Especially going through adolescence and early adulthood. But rejection sure isn’t limited to those specific areas of life. God teaches us to be accepting of others. He created us all equal to live peacefully together. It doesn’t mean we accept bad behavior and follow along with it. We are supposed to love people as God Read more…